All "analytical x-ray equipment" must have the following items:
- A clearly visible label, near any switch energizing an x-ray tube, which bears the radiation symbol and the words: "Caution: This Equipment Produces X-rays When Energized. To Be Operated Only By Authorized Personnel."
- A clearly visible label, near the x-ray tube housing, which bears the radiation symbol and the words: "Caution: High Intensity X-ray Beam."
- A clearly visible fail-safe* warning light, near any switch energizing an x-ray tube, labeled with these words: "X-ray On."
- A clearly visible fail-safe warning light in a conspicuous place near the x-ray tube which indicates when the x-ray tube is producing x-rays.
*As used for the purposes of Section 16, "fail-safe" means that all failures of warning and safety systems that can reasonably be anticipated will cause the equipment to fail in a mode such that personnel are safe from exposure to radiation.