The ongoing desire to limit radiation exposure must be balanced with the need to obtain adequate images during CT examinations. In general, higher radiation doses result in higher-resolution images, whereas lower doses lead to increased image noise and less sharp images. However, increased radiation dosage increases the risk of adverse side effects, most notably the risk of radiation-induced cancer. For instance, a 4-phase abdominal CT gives the same radiation dose as 400 chest X-rays. Fortunately, multiple strategies exist that can reduce the exposure to ionizing radiation during a CT scan.
Computed tomography technologists can employ a variety of dose reduction techniques that adequately balance the need for adequate imaging with adequate patient protection. For instance, technologists can control the z-axis scan length or minimize the number of phases to limit radiation exposure. External bismuth body shields to the breast, gonads, and thyroid are commonly used to protect these sensitive areas during CT imaging. In addition, dose reduction hardware techniques are commonly employed, including noise index and automatic tube current modulation, adjustments for peak kilovoltage (kVp), rotation time, and precise centering on the area to be scanned. In one analysis of the use of bismuth shielding, organ-based tube current modulation, and global tube current reduction as radiation dose reduction strategies using thorax phantoms of different sizes (15, 30, 35, and 40 cm lateral width), radiation dose to the breast region was reduced by approximately 21% and 37% with pediatric (2-ply shield; 15-cm phantom) and adult (4-ply shield; 30-, 35-, and 40-cm phantoms) models, respectively. Organ-based tube current modulation achieved dose decreases of 12% in the pediatric model and 34% to 39% in the adult model, and global lowering of the tube current reduced breast dosage by 23% and 39% in the pediatric and adult models, respectively.
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