What are the benefits and risks of chiropractic care of BACK PAIN ?

Spinal manipulation and chiropractic care is considered a safe effective treatment for acute lower back pain - the type of sudden injury that results from moving furniture or from a sudden jarring in sport. Acute back pain, which is more common than chronic pain, lasts no more than six weeks and typically gets better on its own.

Research has also shown chiropractic to be helpful in treating neck pain and headaches. Osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia also respond to the moderate pressure used by both chiropractors and practitioners of deep tissue massage.

Studies have not confirmed the effectiveness of prolotherapy or sclerotherapy for pain relief, used by some chiropractors, osteopaths and medical doctors to treat chronic back pain - the type of pain that may come on suddenly or gradually and lasts for more than three months. The therapy involves injections to strengthen loosely connected tendons and ligaments.

People who have osteoporosis, spinal cord compression or inflammatory arthritis, or who take blood-thinning medications, should not undergo spinal manipulation.

All treatment is based on an accurate diagnosis of your back pain. The chiropractor should be well informed regarding your medical history including ongoing medical conditions, current medications, traumatic/surgical history and lifestyle factors. Although rare, there have been cases in which treatment worsened a slipped disc, or neck manipulation resulted in a stroke or spinal cord injury. To be safe always inform your doctor whenever you use chiropractic or other pain relief alternatives.

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