Reviews of clinical studies have found that acupuncture may be effective for low back pain. In addition, acupuncturists frequently report success in treating low back pain, and the National Institutes of Health recommend acupuncture as a reasonable treatment option. An acupuncturist may use a comprehensive approach including specialized massage, warming herbal oils, and patient education.
Treating low back pain with acupuncture can be complex because many meridians (including the kidney, bladder, liver, and gallbladder) affect this area of the body. Treatment of the painful areas and related sore points is often done as well, with needles or moxibustion (burning the herb mugwort over specific acupuncture points).
A study using acupuncture to treat 1,162 patients with a history of chronic low back pain found that at 6 months, low back pain was better after acupuncture treatment -- almost twice as better than from conventional therapy. Patients had ten 30-minute acupuncture sessions, generally two sessions per week.
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