Do not apply for credit you do not need: Whenever you apply for credit, the creditor will obtain a credit report from one or more of the three credit bureaus. Each such credit inquiry will stay on your record and will affect your credit score. Even if you are turned down for credit or change your mind and withdraw your application, your credit score will be affected. This is because each inquiry suggests that you are increasing the amount of credit available to you. Before you give your Social Security number to anyone, make certain you know how they are going to use it. A Social Security number is almost always required to run a credit report. But don't let the fear of inquiries stop you from shopping for the best deal when you need auto or home financing. Recently, the credit bureaus have recognized that borrowers may apply for credit at more than one place for the same transaction. Generally, the credit scoring companies will consider all auto or mortgage loan inquiries received it in a 14 day period as one inquiry sothe additional inquiries will not affect your credit score. And remember, if you order a copy of your credit report to make sure it is accurate, this will not show up as an inquiry on your record.
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